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Annual Town Meeting 11/22/2010

Notice is hereby given that the Annual Town Meeting of the electors and citizens qualified to vote at town meetings of the Town of Old Saybrook will be held at the Old Saybrook Middle School Auditorium, 60 Sheffield Street, Old Saybrook, Connecticut on November 22, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. for the following purposes:

ITEM 1: To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen to adopt an ordinance entitled “Sewerage Benefit Assessment Relief for Certain Elderly and Disabled Homeowners”. An ordinance for the purpose of providing sewerage benefit assessment relief within the Old Saybrook Wastewater Management District for elderly and disabled property owners implementing sewerage system upgrades with the assistance of Clean Water Funds. This ordinance allows eligible residents to apply to the OSWPCA to pay only the annual interest charge of the assessment levied by the OSWPCA. The outstanding principal will be deferred until the assessed property is no longer the principal residence of the eligible owner.
A copy of this proposed ordinance is on file in the Old Saybrook Town Clerk’s Office.

ITEM 2: To act upon the recommendation of the Old Saybrook Harbor Management Commission to modify its waiting list fee as follows:
Waiting List:   $10.00
(fee to be charged for all areas under jurisdiction of the Commission which has a waiting list).
The present waiting list fee applies only to the North Cove Dredged Area.

ITEM 3: To act upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission of the Town of Old Saybrook to amend its Ordinance Chapter 110 entitled “Design and Construction Standards” for roadways in the Town of Old Saybrook, and to re-designate said Chapter to be entitled “Public Improvements”. A copy of the proposed Ordinance is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office of the Town of Old Saybrook. This Ordinance shall become effective at such time as the Planning Commission of Old Saybrook adopts “Regulations for Public Improvements” as authorized under the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes

Section 13a-71, as is provided under the provisions of Chapter 110-2 of said newly-proposed Ordinance.
ITEM 4: To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Old Saybrook to accept as a Town road that highway known as “Whisper Cove Road” which extends in an easterly and northeasterly direction a distance of approximately 700 feet from its intersection with Ragged Rock Road. The said roadway is shown on a subdivision plan entitled “Pashbeshauke’ dated March 1, 2004 and is on file in the Town Clerk’s Office of the Town of Old Saybrook.

Michael A. Pace, First Selectman
William A. Peace, Selectman
Carol A. Manning, Selectman

Dated at Old Saybrook, Connecticut, this 3rd day of November, 2010.
Attest: Sarah V. Becker, Town Clerk